Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tapastries by Chuck Close

Roy by Chuck Close
Briefly describe the image. What do you see? What is the subject? Content? etc.
  • This photo is of an older man with short hair. His age is detailed on his face. His eyes are wrinkled and he has liverspots on his forehead.
What is the most striking aspect of the piece and what did the artist do to make this stand out?
  • His eyes and the wrinkles around them are so detailed that the photo seems to be focused on them using depth of field.
How does the photograph make you feel? Why do you think that is? What techniques did the artist employ to make you feel this way?
  • This photo makes me feel curious about who the subject is and what he is thinking about. My curiosity comes from his eyes looking sad but his jaw is clenched making the bottom half of his face look angry. I think this is created by the close up and the detail in his face.
What questions or insight does the show and particularly this piece bring up for you?
  • How would I make a daguerreotype? How would I get that much detail in my photos?
Are you inspired by anything you saw? How might you use some of the ideas/techniques in your own work?
  • I was planning on doing old processes for my independent project and this is another option I can do.

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